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EDIT: I would appreciate pointers on how to optimize my code

EDIT: I would appreciate pointers on how to optimize my code

Post Reopened by user34073, 200_success
added complete class code as requested
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public class LogToolWindowLoader implements ToolWindowFactory {

    private UIOperations ui;
    private LogFileFunctions log_func;
  private ToolWindow toolWindow;
    public void createToolWindowContent(Project project, ToolWindow toolWindow) {

      this.toolWindow = toolWindow;
    //this generates the log //codeviewer here..GRID createwithin UIOperationsthe instanceIDE
 and call method toui create= table

new UIOperations(toolWindow);

    //Create new thread to retrieve data from log file. This thread continuouslythis monitorsis thea logcontinuous file
process, hence the new Thread
    new Thread(){
            public void run(){

            log_func = new LogFileFunctions();

 //code here..create instance of LogFileFunctions and initialize BufferedReader


            while(true) {
                     String[] result = log_func.getData();
                        //code here..get tokenized String from log file usingif getData(result!=null) function from LogFileFunctions, do a null test{
                        //GUI updated on the Event Dispatcher Thread
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
    //update GUI using String[] retrieved from getData(). here using updateTable method in UIOperations
        });        else {
                    }try {
                    else {   Thread.sleep(1000);
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) //thread{
 sleep for a specified delay                   e.printStackTrace();

public class UIOperations {

    private ToolWindow toolWindow;
    private DefaultTableModel table_model;
    private JBTable table;
    private final String headers[]= {"header1","header2","header3","header4","header5","header6"};

    public UIOperations(ToolWindow toolWindow){
        this.toolWindow = toolWindow;

public void }createTable(){

    publicJComponent UIOperationspanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(){); //new BorderLayout extends panel completely inside the tool Window

    //set column names
    publictable_model void= createTablenew DefaultTableModel(headers,0){
    table = new JBTable(table_model);

 //code to initialize componentsJScrollPane andscrollPane create= new JBScrollPane(table);
 here   panel.add(scrollPane);

    //table formatting
    }table.setFillsViewportHeight(true);//sets table background colour

    System.out.println("Log Viewer Table Generated..");


public void updateTable(String[] str){

public class LogFileFunctions {

    private BufferedReader in;

    //reads the log file to retrieve data.
    public String[] getData(){

    //System.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir")); gives the executing directory
    String str; //holds string read from file
    String[] result=null; //codeholds heretokenized string

    try {
        str = in.readLine();

        if (!(str == null)) {
            result = str.split("[|]");

    }catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 line from text file,} tokenizecatch and(IOException returne) result{

    return result;

//connect FileReader to log file
    public void connectToLog() {
    try {
       FileReader fileReader //initialize= bufferedReadernew hereFileReader(getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath());
        in = new BufferedReader(newFileReaderfileReader);

        System.out.println("Log File location: " + getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath());
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: log.txt file not found at " + getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath() );
public class LogToolWindowLoader implements ToolWindowFactory {

    private UIOperations ui;
    private LogFileFunctions log_func;
    public void createToolWindowContent(Project project, ToolWindow toolWindow) {

        //code here.. create UIOperations instance and call method to create table

        //Create new thread to retrieve data from log file. This thread continuously monitors the log file
        new Thread(){
            public void run(){

                //code here..create instance of LogFileFunctions and initialize BufferedReader

                while(true) {
                        //code here..get tokenized String from log file using getData() function from LogFileFunctions, do a null test
                        //GUI updated on the Event Dispatcher Thread
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                //update GUI using String[] retrieved from getData(). here using updateTable method in UIOperations
                    else {
                        //thread sleep for a specified delay

public class UIOperations {

    private ToolWindow toolWindow;
    private DefaultTableModel table_model;
    private JBTable table;
    private final String headers[]= {"header1","header2","header3","header4","header5","header6"};

    public UIOperations(ToolWindow toolWindow){
        this.toolWindow = toolWindow;

    public UIOperations(){


    public void createTable(){

        //code to initialize components and create table here..


    public void updateTable(String[] str){

public class LogFileFunctions {

    private BufferedReader in;

    //reads the log file to retrieve data.
    public String[] getData(){
        //code line from text file, tokenize and return result

    //connect FileReader to log file
    public void connectToLog() {
         //initialize bufferedReader here..
        in = new BufferedReader(newFileReader(getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath()));
public class LogToolWindowLoader implements ToolWindowFactory {

private UIOperations ui;
private LogFileFunctions log_func;
private ToolWindow toolWindow;
public void createToolWindowContent(Project project, ToolWindow toolWindow) {

    this.toolWindow = toolWindow;
    //this generates the log viewer GRID within the IDE
    ui = new UIOperations(toolWindow);

    //Create new thread to retrieve data from log file. this is a continuous process, hence the new Thread
    new Thread(){
        public void run(){

            log_func = new LogFileFunctions();


                String[] result = log_func.getData();
                if (result!=null) {
                    //GUI updated on the Event Dispatcher Thread
                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                else {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
public class UIOperations {

private ToolWindow toolWindow;
private DefaultTableModel table_model;
private JBTable table;
private final String headers[]= {"header1","header2","header3","header4","header5","header6"};

public UIOperations(ToolWindow toolWindow){
    this.toolWindow = toolWindow;

public void createTable(){

    JComponent panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); //new BorderLayout extends panel completely inside the tool Window

    //set column names
    table_model = new DefaultTableModel(headers,0);
    table = new JBTable(table_model);

    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JBScrollPane(table);

    //table formatting
    table.setFillsViewportHeight(true);//sets table background colour

    System.out.println("Log Viewer Table Generated..");


public void updateTable(String[] str){

public class LogFileFunctions {

private BufferedReader in;

//reads the log file to retrieve data.
public String[] getData(){

    //System.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir")); gives the executing directory
    String str; //holds string read from file
    String[] result=null; //holds tokenized string

    try {
        str = in.readLine();

        if (!(str == null)) {
            result = str.split("[|]");

    }catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return result;

//connect FileReader to log file
public void connectToLog() {
    try {
        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath());
        in = new BufferedReader(fileReader);

        System.out.println("Log File location: " + getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath());
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: log.txt file not found at " + getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath() );
Post Closed as "Not suitable for this site" by h.j.k., Marc-Andre, holroy, user34073, IEatBagels
added 195 characters in body
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I am developing a plugin for intellij that basically monitors a log file and displays the data in a tool window within the IDE in real-time. I have managed to get it working but iI would like to know the areas where iI can improve on. I'm specifically interested in the structure of my code and the log file monitoring method followed. Thank you

createToolWindowContentThe createToolWindowContent method is called when the log panel is opened for the first time.

public class LogToolWindowLoader implements ToolWindowFactory {

    private UIOperations ui;
    private LogFileFunctions log_func;
    public void createToolWindowContent(Project project, ToolWindow toolWindow) {

        //code here.. create UIOperations instance and call method to create table

        //Create new thread to retrieve data from log file. This thread continuously monitors the log file
        new Thread(){
            public void run(){

                //code here..create instance of LogFileFunctions and initialize BufferedReader

                while(true) {
                        //code here..get tokenized String from log file using getData() function from LogFileFunctions, do a null test
                        //GUI updated on the Event Dispatcher Thread
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                //update GUI using String[] retrieved from getData(). here using updateTable method in UIOperations
                    else {
                        //thread sleep for a specified delay



UI operations are handled in this class:

public class UIOperations {

    private ToolWindow toolWindow;
    private DefaultTableModel table_model;
    private JBTable table;
    private final String headers[]= {"header1","header2","header3","header4","header5","header6"};

    public UIOperations(ToolWindow toolWindow){
        this.toolWindow = toolWindow;

    public UIOperations(){


    public void createTable(){

        //code to initialize components and create table here..


    public void updateTable(String[] str){


Log file processing is handled in this class:

public class LogFileFunctions {

    private BufferedReader in;

    //reads the log file to retrieve data.
    public String[] getData(){
        //code line from text file, tokenize and return result

    //connect FileReader to log file
    public void connectToLog() {
        //initialize bufferedReader here..
        in = new BufferedReader(newFileReader(getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath()));


I am developing a plugin for intellij that basically monitors a log file and displays the data in a tool window within the IDE in real-time. I have managed to get it working but i would like to know the areas where i can improve on. I'm specifically interested in the structure of my code and the log file monitoring method followed. Thank you

createToolWindowContent method is called when the log panel is opened for the first time

public class LogToolWindowLoader implements ToolWindowFactory {

private UIOperations ui;
private LogFileFunctions log_func;
public void createToolWindowContent(Project project, ToolWindow toolWindow) {

    //code here.. create UIOperations instance and call method to create table

    //Create new thread to retrieve data from log file. This thread continuously monitors the log file
    new Thread(){
        public void run(){

            //code here..create instance of LogFileFunctions and initialize BufferedReader

            while(true) {
                    //code here..get tokenized String from log file using getData() function from LogFileFunctions, do a null test
                    //GUI updated on the Event Dispatcher Thread
                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            //update GUI using String[] retrieved from getData(). here using updateTable method in UIOperations
                else {
                    //thread sleep for a specified delay



UI operations handled in this class

public class UIOperations {

private ToolWindow toolWindow;
private DefaultTableModel table_model;
private JBTable table;
private final String headers[]= {"header1","header2","header3","header4","header5","header6"};

public UIOperations(ToolWindow toolWindow){
    this.toolWindow = toolWindow;

public UIOperations(){


public void createTable(){

    //code to initialize components and create table here..


public void updateTable(String[] str){


Log file processing handled in this class

public class LogFileFunctions {

    private BufferedReader in;

    //reads the log file to retrieve data.
    public String[] getData(){
        //code line from text file, tokenize and return result

    //connect FileReader to log file
    public void connectToLog() {
        //initialize bufferedReader here..
        in = new BufferedReader(newFileReader(getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath()));


I am developing a plugin for intellij that basically monitors a log file and displays the data in a tool window within the IDE in real-time. I have managed to get it working but I would like to know the areas where I can improve on. I'm specifically interested in the structure of my code and the log file monitoring method followed.

The createToolWindowContent method is called when the log panel is opened for the first time.

public class LogToolWindowLoader implements ToolWindowFactory {

    private UIOperations ui;
    private LogFileFunctions log_func;
    public void createToolWindowContent(Project project, ToolWindow toolWindow) {

        //code here.. create UIOperations instance and call method to create table

        //Create new thread to retrieve data from log file. This thread continuously monitors the log file
        new Thread(){
            public void run(){

                //code here..create instance of LogFileFunctions and initialize BufferedReader

                while(true) {
                        //code here..get tokenized String from log file using getData() function from LogFileFunctions, do a null test
                        //GUI updated on the Event Dispatcher Thread
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                //update GUI using String[] retrieved from getData(). here using updateTable method in UIOperations
                    else {
                        //thread sleep for a specified delay


UI operations are handled in this class:

public class UIOperations {

    private ToolWindow toolWindow;
    private DefaultTableModel table_model;
    private JBTable table;
    private final String headers[]= {"header1","header2","header3","header4","header5","header6"};

    public UIOperations(ToolWindow toolWindow){
        this.toolWindow = toolWindow;

    public UIOperations(){


    public void createTable(){

        //code to initialize components and create table here..


    public void updateTable(String[] str){


Log file processing is handled in this class:

public class LogFileFunctions {

    private BufferedReader in;

    //reads the log file to retrieve data.
    public String[] getData(){
        //code line from text file, tokenize and return result

    //connect FileReader to log file
    public void connectToLog() {
        //initialize bufferedReader here..
        in = new BufferedReader(newFileReader(getClass().getResource("log.txt").getPath()));
replaced code segments with comments to provide a better view of the code structure
replaced code segments with comments to provide a better view of the code structure
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