// EDIT - Based on the answers below.
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <emmintrin.h>
namespace {
#define CIRCULAR_BUFFER_SIZE 0xA00000 // 10 MB
#define ACQMSG_BUF_SIZE 5120 // Largest Message is 4688 bytes.
#define CACHE_LINE_SiZE 64 // 64 bytes cache line size for x86-64 processors
#define NUMBER_OF_SLOTS 2190 //2190 10 MB (Buffer Size) / 4.688 KB (Size of each buffer)
#define MAX_CLAIM_ATTEMPTS 500000
// Not really a SNZI but still... Can this be a racey SNZI and not use atomics?
// This is not right but you get the idea of SNZI. Need to bound this with the size of the buffer.
//Then there will be conservation of reads and writes.
// This will be used to check if there are items to read in the buffer. Don't need exact count, just an estimate.
class BinarySNZI
void inc()
void dec()
long count()
return write_count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) - read_count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Separate into individual cache line.
__declspec(align(CACHE_LINE_SiZE)) std::atomic_long write_count;
__declspec(align(CACHE_LINE_SiZE)) std::atomic_long read_count;
typedef struct MessageBlock {
std::atomic_bool claimed;
bool fresh;
char* message;
uint32_t bytesToRead;
fresh = false;
message = new char[ACQMSG_BUF_SIZE];
delete[] message;
// Need padding for 64 byte size end to avoid false sharing. But watch out the size if you add more members of change members.
// The last is for alignment members
char PAD[CACHE_LINE_SiZE - sizeof(std::atomic_bool) * 2 - sizeof(uint32_t)-sizeof(char*) - 2];
} MB;
class WaitFreeBuffer
WaitFreeBuffer(size_t sizeOfBuffer = ACQMSG_BUF_SIZE){
current_read_index = 0;
current_write_index = 0;
bool Write(int sizeToWrite, char* buffer){
int attempts = 0;
bool isAlreadyClaimed = false;
bool hasSteppedBack = false;
bool hasPingPonged = false;
// You don't want to keep CAS looping as this creates a lot of cache line traffic. A better way is, I don't need a
// CAS here. I can only use a load. And do a store when the loop breaks
while (message_buffer[current_write_index].claimed.load())
isAlreadyClaimed = false;
if (attempts >= MAX_CLAIM_ATTEMPTS / 2 && !hasSteppedBack)
hasSteppedBack = true;
attempts = 0;
current_write_index = current_write_index - 1;
if (current_write_index == -1)
current_write_index = NUMBER_OF_SLOTS - 1;
if (attempts >= MAX_CLAIM_ATTEMPTS / 2 && hasSteppedBack)
attempts = 0;
hasPingPonged = true;
current_write_index = current_write_index % NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
if (attempts >= MAX_CLAIM_ATTEMPTS / 2 && hasPingPonged)
return false;
_mm_pause(); // Do a 1 - 2 cycle pause for avoiding pipeline clogging & flush problem. Ref - https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/m/d/4/1/d/8/17689_w_spinlock.pdf
auto& current = message_buffer[current_write_index];
current.claimed.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
current.bytesToRead = sizeToWrite;
::memcpy(current.message, buffer, sizeToWrite);
current.fresh = true;
current.claimed.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
current_write_index = current_write_index % NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
if (!hasPingPonged)
return true;
// Update current read index
bool Read(int& sizeRead, char* buffer){
int attempts = 0;
auto& current = message_buffer[current_read_index];
if (!current.fresh)
// If there is nothing fresh you may want to yield the thread in the client side
return false;
bool isAlreadyClaimed = false;
// You don't want to keep looping as this creates a lot of cache line traffic.
bool current_claimed = false;
do {
isAlreadyClaimed = false;
while (current.claimed.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
_mm_pause(); // Do a 1 - 2 cycle pause for avoiding pipeline clogging & flush problem. Ref - https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/m/d/4/1/d/8/17689_w_spinlock.pdf
if (attempts >= MAX_CLAIM_ATTEMPTS)
return false; // Failed to claim a slot for read
bool success = current.claimed.compare_exchange_strong(isAlreadyClaimed, true);
if (success)
current_claimed = true;
} while (!current_claimed);
sizeRead = current.bytesToRead;
::memcpy(buffer, current.message, sizeRead);
current.fresh = false;
current.claimed.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
current_read_index = current_read_index % NUMBER_OF_SLOTS;
return true;
bool HasNewItems()
return counter.count() > 0;
// Do I need number of unread count?
__declspec(align(CACHE_LINE_SiZE)) MB message_buffer[NUMBER_OF_SLOTS];
__declspec(align(CACHE_LINE_SiZE)) int current_read_index;
__declspec(align(CACHE_LINE_SiZE)) int current_write_index;
__declspec(align(CACHE_LINE_SiZE)) BinarySNZI counter;