When I was not sure about how to do this, I asked this question on StackOverflow, the body of which is the following:
As regards line numbers, when doing normal file editing, I prefer to have the following setting
set number set relativenumber
because the former tells me where I am, the latter helps me using j and k effectively.
However, when debugging with
, using thetermdebug
package and the:Termdebug
command, I often want to set breakpoints; hence, I'd like to turn the latter option off, executing theset norelativenumber
command on a global scope, so that all files I'm editing show the actual line numbers.
Reading the answer, and Vim help pages a bit more, I ended up with the following solution, which is now part of my ~/.vimrc
" Source the termdebug plugin
packadd termdebug
" Add mapping to load termdebug
noremap <silent> <Leader>td :call MyTermdebug()<CR>
" turn off relativenumber,
" start Termdebug,
" and create autocmd to turn relativenumber back on
function! MyTermdebug()
call SetRelNumInAllWin(v:false)
augroup ClosingDebugger
autocmd BufUnload !gdb call SetRelNumInAllWin(v:true)
augroup END
" set/unset relativenumber in all windows if flag is v:true/v:false
function! SetRelNumInAllWin(flag)
let current_win_id = win_getid()
tabdo windo call SetRelNum(a:flag)
call win_gotoid(current_win_id)
" set/unset relativenumber in current window if flag is v:true/v:false
function! SetRelNum(flag)
if &number
if a:flag
set relativenumber
set norelativenumber