
Following on from my previous question: C pointer based growable stack

I have made some improvements (hopefully!) based on the very helpful comments and suggestions. I have checked that the stack can push and pop doubles now, so hopefully it will also be OK with structs.

I have a could of questions regarding the changes I have made:

  1. I noticed memcpy() didn't work with void * so I switched to using uin8_t; is that recommended/necessary or could I have cast to uint8_t for memcpy()? Not sure which approach is the best...
  2. How should a failed malloc()/realloc() be handled? Return an error code? Exit? Return NULL?

Again, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions/criticism:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_ITEMS 16

typedef struct {
    uint8_t *data;
    size_t itemSize;
    unsigned count;
    unsigned capacity;
} Stack;

void stack_init(Stack *stack, size_t itemSize, unsigned capacity);
bool stack_is_empty(const Stack *stack);
void stack_push(Stack *stack, void *item);
void* stack_pop(Stack *stack);
void stack_destroy(Stack *stack);

void stack_init(Stack *stack, size_t itemSize, unsigned capacity)
    unsigned initialCapacity = capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity;
    size_t size = initialCapacity * itemSize;

    stack->count = 0;
    stack->capacity = initialCapacity;
    stack->itemSize = itemSize;
    stack->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);

    if (stack->data == NULL)
        // TODO

    memset(stack->data, 0, size);

bool stack_is_empty(const Stack *stack)
    return stack->count == 0;

void stack_push(Stack *stack, void *item)
    if (stack->count >= stack->capacity)
        stack->capacity *= 2;
        stack->data = (uint8_t *)realloc(stack->data, stack->capacity * stack->itemSize);

        if (stack->data == NULL)
            // TODO

    unsigned offset = stack->count * stack->itemSize;
    memcpy(stack->data + offset, item, stack->itemSize);

void* stack_pop(Stack *stack)
    if (stack_is_empty(stack) == true)
        // TODO

    uint8_t *item = (uint8_t *)malloc(stack->itemSize);

    if (item == NULL)
        // TODO

    unsigned offset = stack->count * stack->itemSize;
    memcpy(item, stack->data + offset, stack->itemSize);

    return (void *)item;

void stack_destroy(Stack *stack)
    stack->count = 0;

int main(void)
    Stack stack;
    stack_init(&stack, sizeof(int), 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++)
        stack_push(&stack, (void *)&i);

    while (!stack_is_empty(&stack))
        int value;
        value = *((int *)stack_pop(&stack));
        printf("%d\n", value);



1 Answer 1

    stack->data = (uint8_t *)realloc(stack->data, stack->capacity * stack->itemSize);

This is wrong, because if realloc() failed, then there's now no way to access the memory previously pointed to by stack->data. The correct pattern for realloc() is:

void *newData = realloc(stack->data, stack->capacity * stack->itemSize);
if (!newData) {
    // Insert error handling - you'll want to restore the old stack->capacity here
    // or (better) wait until we're okay before updating.
    return FAILURE:
stack->data = newData;

I recommend against casting the result of malloc() family when assigning - these functions return void*, which is assignable to any pointer type without a cast. The unnecessary cast just distracts the reader (because casts generally indicate danger areas in code). The same is true for conversions from pointer types to void*, such as this one:

return (void *)item;

That can simply be

return item;

The stack_pop interface is difficult to use - callers have to deal with possible null pointer return, and must remember to free() the result. Instead, consider having the caller provide memory to write into:

void stack_pop(Stack *stack, void *target);

The caller should already know the size required for target, and can now get results in local (auto) storage:

int foo;
stack_pop(&stack, &foo);
// no need to check for null, or to call free()

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