
I have a for of loop, for each item in the childElements HTMLCollection I want to subtract the height of the elements from the parent height.

let height = element[0].clientHeight;
const childElements = <[HTMLElement]>element[0].children;
let i = 0;
for (const childElement of childElements) {
    if (i !== childElements.length - 1) {
        height -= Math.ceil(childElement.clientHeight);
return height;

But I want to exclude the last HTMLElement in the collection from the for loop. I've now created a i variable that is checked against the length of the collection minus 1. If that's not the case the height of the element is subtracted and i is increased.

This works fine, but it feels like I'm doing two things (for of loop and while loop). Any suggestions?


1 Answer 1


It hit me,

function returnSuggestedColleaguesWithExpertiseHeight(): number {
    let height = element[0].clientHeight;
    const childElements = <[HTMLElement]>element[0].children;
    for (let i = 0; i < childElements.length - 1; i++) {
        height -= Math.ceil(childElements[i].clientHeight);
    return height;

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