
How can I refactor this redundant code?

$("#txtShippingAddressFullName").change(function () {

$("#txtShippingAddress").change(function () {

$("#txtShippingPostalCode").change(function () {

$("#txtShippingPhoneNumber").change(function () {

$("#ddlShippingCity").change(function () {

3 Answers 3


The prettiest way to do it, would be with HTML 5 data attribute:

<input id="txtShippingAddress" data-syncwith-id="txtBillinAddress">
<input id="txtShippingPostalCode" data-syncwith-id="txtBillingPostalCode">
<input id="txtShippingAddressFullName" data-syncwith-id="txtBillinAddressFullName">

Then in your javscript:

$("input[data-syncwith-id]").change(function (event) {
  $("#" + $(this).data("syncwith-id")).val($(this).val());
  • \$\begingroup\$ This solution is more flexible since it doesn't restrict a rule for the new name. \$\endgroup\$ Oct 12, 2012 at 13:15

Since I don't know your markup, I don't know for sure if this will work, but it might

$("input[id*=Shipping]").change(function (event) {
  var billingId = this.id.replace('Shipping', 'Billing');
  $("#" + billingId).val($(this).val());

Basically, get every input with "Shipping" in its id, and when such an input changes, use its id to determine the corresponding billing-input.

Edit: While this solution is a neat little demonstration of the attribute-value-contains selector, it is - as the other answers have pointed out - better to use a class or data-attribute


Improving Flambino's answer, I think you should create a class for these elements and select them by the class.

$(".elements-to-replace").change(function (event) {
  var billingId = this.id.replace('Shipping', 'Billing');
  $("#" + billingId).val($(this).val());

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