Questions tagged [type-safety]

Use this tag for reviews of code where type safety is a concern, for example code involving type conversions or casting which may result in type errors at run-time.

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52 votes
3 answers

List<T> implementation for VB6/VBA

Recently I decided VB6's Collection wasn't enough for my needs, so I decided to implement something like C#'s List<T>. ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

A Failable<T> that allows safe returning of exceptions

This was inspired by a conversation in chat, that started with the discussion of C#7.0 tuples and out parameter declarations, which led to the idea that there is no 'good1' way to return an error ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Formatted print without the need to specify type matching specifiers using _Generic

This code allows printing in C with a style similar to C++ ostream. By using _Generic() (see ...
chux - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Type system for different representations of angle value

I want to implement a Type system for different representations of an angle value. Motivation to implement this as a type system comes from this question. Angle can be represented using the ...
diimdeep's user avatar
  • 221
7 votes
2 answers

Traversing and printing complex Dictionary types (Scripting.Dictionary) - Dictionary inside of a Dictionary

Based on this SO post - also reposted on with a few more details and explanations. Please notice there currently is no error handling whatsoever as I didn't analyse and consider any traps ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Reusable storage for array of objects

My goal is to have a memory pool non-template class that is used to store arrays of objects. The same memory pool object must be reusable for a different array (difference size, different type and/or ...
Oersted's user avatar
  • 299
3 votes
1 answer

Type converter framework (v2)

This is the second version of my type converter framework. The the previous one can be found here: Type creator service & framework In this version I mostly implemented what @Dmitry Nogin ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
3 votes
1 answer

Reusable storage for array of objects V2

Here is a follow up on Reusable storage for array of objects, taking into account the provided answers. The following code should be compliant at least with gcc, <...
Oersted's user avatar
  • 299
29 votes
5 answers

Type-safe Dictionary for various types

Assume the following situation: you have an object that can store any object based on a key (basically, IDictionary<string, object>). You want to store ...
svick's user avatar
  • 24.3k
19 votes
2 answers

Enforcing string validity with the C# type system

One of my biggest complaints about .NET is that there's no way to guarantee a string match a certain type in the type-system. Note This started as more of a proof-of-concept than a real usable system,...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Type-safe Date class with total encapsulation

I want to teach about "encapsulation" and chose Date with Year, Month and ...
towi's user avatar
  • 608
14 votes
1 answer

C++ identity function

I've implemented an identity function (well, actually a functor struct) in C++. The goal is that every occurrence of an ...
Zizheng Tai's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Compile-time printf-style format checking

Inspired by this open ticket on Boost, this seeks to complete the work there. Given a printf-style format string and associated arguments, a static_assert is ...
Steve Lorimer's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Multi-function memoizator and multi-type container

I'm trying to write a multiple functions memoizator, which I've talked about here. The main problem is creating a container containing different and heterogenous functions. I found a working solution,...
user6321's user avatar
  • 347
8 votes
3 answers

'StrictInt' Python object class that prohibits casting numbers with non-integer components to `int`

Inspired by and created because of python3 utility: convert safely to int and driven partly by the 'refactor' in my answer. The aforementioned question and my answer drove me to go and do a thing ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 2,518
7 votes
2 answers

Revisited IsTypeSafe method implementation for "type-safe" List

Following up on List<T> implementation for VB6/VBA, I'd like some thoughts about the revisited IsTypeSafe function, below. The previous version pretty much ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Asynchronous HTTP JSON request

For asynchronous requests, I use Alamofire. I have created one method for requesting async data. ...
saurabh's user avatar
  • 156
5 votes
1 answer

Compile-time printf format checking

Compile time checking of printf-like format strings Inspired by this open ticket on boost, this seeks to complete the work there Given a printf-style format string and associated arguments, a ...
Steve Lorimer's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

SI type safe unit calculations

I wrote a small type-rich MKS Unit system for the consistent and safe calculation of physical units in everyday use. I realized some operators' implementations via the Barton-Nackman trick while ...
CD86's user avatar
  • 173
2 votes
0 answers

SI type safe unit calculations (revised)

This is the continuation of the questions raised in this thread I did include the improvements that were mentioned but still feel like, I do more copies than I need to. Also I am unsure about the ...
CD86's user avatar
  • 173
2 votes
1 answer

Login system with password reset sent to e-mail using PHP and PDO

I really like to use PDO because it's simple and easy to make a safe query, i prepared all queries and used placeholders, i think it's safe but i'm not sure at all, and I'm thinking if i used ...
Natalie's user avatar
  • 85
2 votes
2 answers

Type creator service & framework

I needed a mechanism for creating types dynamicaly from strings and bytes etc. I tried really hard to use the .net's TypeConverter system as it seemed to be the ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
2 votes
0 answers

Reusable storage for array of objects V4

Here is a thirdfollow up on Reusable storage for array of objects, Reusable storage for array of objects V2 and Reusable storage for array of objects V3, taking into account the provided answers. The ...
Oersted's user avatar
  • 299
1 vote
1 answer

Reusable storage for array of objects V3

Here is a second follow up on Reusable storage for array of objects and Reusable storage for array of objects V2, taking into account the provided answers. The following code should be compliant at ...
Oersted's user avatar
  • 299