Questions tagged [timer]

This tag is for questions about using timers in code to make things happen in a certain order or for gathering amount of time elapsed.

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3 votes
1 answer

Plot timings for a range of inputs MkII

To celebrate questions getting more reputation points per upvote, I revisited my previous question, Plot timings for a range of inputs. Since the time of that original question (more than two years!),...
Graipher's user avatar
  • 41k
14 votes
1 answer

Tick. Tick. *breathe* BOOM! - Setting up real, stable asynchronous callbacks with WinAPI Timers in VBA

WinAPI Timers can be quite tricky to work with, as anyone who's tried to use them and fallen foul of one of the many pitfalls probably knows. Problems such as screen freezing, crashes, uncontrolled ...
Greedo's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

React - pomodoro clock

I'm looking for some feedback on a pomodoro clock that I recently wrote with React. I'm pretty new to React and coding in general. I followed a couple of online courses, but I'm mostly self-taught. ...
Sara's user avatar
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2 votes
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RxJs observables pipes SwitchMap and async with typealong search input

I'm using RxJs for type along search, I setup an observable to emit a value after 1 second so it behaves like http with delay. I subscribe to it via the async operator in the template, the component ...
doe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

React continuous polling

I have a Notifications component in my React app, which continuously polls the server for new notifications. The app uses Redux for storing notifications. When a new notification is received, it is ...
cameraguy258's user avatar
1 vote
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Limit framerate [closed]

I have made this class. Not sure if there is anyway to make it better. It seems to work alright half the time, but other times frames jump up higher then the set limit around 30frames more if i set it ...
suxeco's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
2 answers

A simple stop watch which I want to extend

I am making a very simple stopwatch functionality as below. New will start the timer. Pause will suspend the watch. Start will restart again. Session will return the duration. ...
Mohit's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

A little C++ program to have timed rounds for a game

I know it could be better, but I’m new to C++, so I don’t know many of the tricks, along with some of the includes that are already obsolete. This program asks for names as input, adds a time for ...
ProjectArrow's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Single-thread Task Scheduler with type erasure and allocator-aware

I made a task scheduler to practice allocators and type erasure. With my project, you can delay execution of any callable (functions (using std::ref), lambdas...) ...
Julien Vernay's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Report time on whole hours

Report time at whole hours ...
Wizard's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Safe Dispose of Timer

I am currently refactoring a larger solution where the compiler gave multiple warnings about disposing the used System.Timers.Timer instances. The timers are ...
AFrueh's user avatar
  • 73
5 votes
1 answer

timer struct for fixed timestep iterations in C (gcc)

I was toying with a way force fixed timestep loop iterations in C and came up with a fairly simple timer struct (quite different from Pausable Timer Implementation for SDL in C and decided to put it ...
David C. Rankin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

pydoro - terminal tomato timer

I've recently created a tomato timer for terminal. It's hosted in github. My concerns are how Pythonic my code is? Is the way I'm handling state transitions good? Which areas of the text user ...
JaDogg's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Throttling promise execution (API requests, etc)

I was working on a client for a remote api and realized that I needed to throttle requests at a maximum rate of 4 Hertz (4 requests per second). I wrote a simple typescript class to do it and wanted ...
erikdstock's user avatar
1 vote
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Suppress API call in Redux Saga based on a timer

I have an API that provides data that is updated on an infrequent schedule, about once every 2½ minutes on average. Assuming that it's okay to fetch only as often as every 2½ minutes or less often, I'...
rishat's user avatar
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Game clock with configurable rate

Edit: Licensed source can be found here. The intent behind this class is to allow different game systems to run at their own clock rate. The physics integration rate should not be connected to the ...
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1 vote
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Timer queue with chrono

I would like to make the timer queue: 1. Each timer has id, time expired and callback to call 2. Queue stores timer and execute the callback of each timer whenever expired. Here is my code and demo: ...
GAVD's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Quiz game with timer

This is my first Go program. I would like to know what could be improved, what is done wrong, and anything else that I should know. The CSV contains 10 questions with the 10 answers separated by a ...
lucarlig's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tkinter stopwatch

As part of a personal project, I wanted to make a stopwatch with Python. I wish to show my friend but at the moment it is a little messy and long. Is there any way to make it more compact or easier to ...
jayco 10125's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Pausable Timer Implementation for SDL in C

Problem I've written a timer module in C for an SDL game. I'd like to get some eyeballs on. I wrote this for 2 requirements: I needed a timer that would signal on an elapsed interval, AND that was ...
Mark Benningfield's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

A countdown clock in TypeScript

The gist of the code is, you give it a date, it will start counting down how many days, hours, minutes and seconds left by emitting an event 'countDown' and once 0 is reached 'expired' event is ...
Zoinky's user avatar
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C# Timed buffer

Purpose of this code is to have buffer which will batch messages based on configured timeout. For example, one thread will continuously push data to this buffer, and when configured timeout pass, it ...
Aram Kocharyan's user avatar
5 votes
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Algorithm to find the number of years, months, days, etc between two dates

I've been working on this one for a while. Took me a while to figure out all the logic rules for dates and months. The goal of this method is to return the number of years, months, days, hours, ...
imdandman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

A simple Java class for implementing code stop watches - follow-up

I have received a nice answer for this post. Now, it is my attempt for some improvement: ...
coderodde's user avatar
  • 28.2k
1 vote
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A simple Java class for implementing code stop watches

(The next iteration: A simple Java class for implementing code stop watches - follow-up) Here is my attempt at more convenient benchmarking (yes, this time I am aware of JVM warmup, etc.), and it ...
coderodde's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Stopwatch utility class in Java

I am looking for input on my code for a Stopwatch utility written in Java. The stopwatch uses System.nanoTime as its time source. In general it works similarly to ...
Fiery Phoenix's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Frame limiting in an SDL game

I am a relatively novice programmer, and I am taking steps into graphics programming. I am writing a quick pong clone and want to cap the FPS to save system resources. This is how I have implemented ...
Jason Mills's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Timed arithmetic quiz

In this program you have to solve 20 exercises. The time you need will be measured. If you break a record, you'll get an entry in the highscore list. The program can be downloaded here. You can only ...
Dexter Thorn's user avatar
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4 votes
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Pomodoro countdown timer synced to the clock

This countdown timer is supposed to: be synced to the user's clock at every hour and half hour, will start a 25 minute countdown followed by a 5 minute break The code works but I question its ...
Foreel19's user avatar
1 vote
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Dispatching Vuex getter via setInterval

I am fetching the friend list for a chat application using a Vuex store. I need to dispatch the getter via an interval. Is there a best practices way to do this? ...
Cory Baumer's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Sleep until specified time

It's sometimes useful to pause until a specified time (but inconvenient to use at or the like), so I wrote a tiny script to wait until a user-specified time point ...
Toby Speight's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A 3 digit stopwatch

I decided to make a stopwatch as I decided it would be useful, and also as a challenge to learn more about how forms work. I'd just like some simple advice as to anything I can do better, thank you. <...
Levis's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

React clock component

I'm new to React.js and this code came from 30 Days of React - Day 7. However the given code example wasn't working so I rewrote it myself. My biggest issue here is how to make the component work ...
Kapparino's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Using Threading.Timer to update a list of data

Attached is some code I have written for my application. It is an OWIN based web server which connects an Alexa Custom Skill, my security camera feed, and Microsoft Azure Face API. The number one ...
user2224583's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Pomodoro timer in React

I created a simple Pomodoro timer using React JS. In my example: Timer should count down seconds until it reaches 00:00 Timers should switch between 25 and 5 minutes Timer should be able to start, ...
Kate Herasimenak's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

JavaScript flipping clock

Here are two simple classes - Digit class maintains digit behaviour - primarily flipping animations, and Clock class handles everything that is related to time data. I'm going to use this code for ...
abstractmind's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Countdown Timer in Python

I am a beginner in Python and I am yet to move on from the basics to things like OOP.I wrote all of this code (Python 3) in an hour or so for a simple countdown timer.Although some parts of it are ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Speed-cubing timer console application

This code is my first implementation of this style of application in the console. In essence a stopwatch with some added functionality. I was interested in getting some feedback before I refactor and ...
Jordan S.'s user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Countdown control with arc animation

I've implemented countdown timer control with arc animation that looks like this Implementation notes: For arc visualization I've created class Arc derived from <...
Vadim Ovchinnikov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Three versions of a counting-up timer in JavaScript

I made 3 versions of a counting-up timer in JavaScript: Version #1 All units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, and days) are updated every second, whether they change or not. Pro: Shorter code. ...
clickbait's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Async friendly Timer

I'm trying to implement a Timer that schedule an async action with the following requirements: thread safe only one action should be running at any given time (period countdown should start when the ...
None's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Fading HTML elements in and out after timed delays using jQuery

I recently launched my first website, and despite being very proud of how far I've come, I know that my code is more "I got it to work" than "It works the best that it can." I'd like some criticism, ...
Chklt Labs's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Extremely simple timer class in C++

A very bare-bones timer class created using the std::chrono library. I would like to know if any optimisations are possible and just to clarity, I am using MSVC (...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

A rather accurate VBA stopwatch

Intro Related, related I'm trying to come up with a neat, accurate way of timing VBA code, as I'm yet to find a method to do this in VBA directly (without plugins etc.) The general idea was to ...
Greedo's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

A Simple Bash Timer

This is a timer I made quite some time ago and just came across it again today. I'm just wondering if there's anything wrong with it or anything I could improve. ...
Philip Gibbons's user avatar
5 votes
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Scheduling using System.IObservable 2.0

As a follow up to this first attempt to create and use my own IObservable<T> implementation, this is version 2.0. The goal has been to correct the code where ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Scheduling using System.IObservable

With great inspiration from t3chb0ts ongoing work about scheduling, cron jobs etc. (last post here), I decided to make my own version of the Scheduler - using the observer pattern - as a learning ...
user avatar
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Scheduler built with observables v2 (follow-up)

It would probably be too easy if the old Scheduler worked as intended being that simple. But an eye-openig review showed that from time to time it'll miss one ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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3 votes
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Simple timer start and stop from console

Just a simple timer application for review. Stop and start the timer from the command line. The plan is to use this in a poker application to fold out a player if they don't act after a time ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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Best accuracy and performance with timers in JS

Regular timers in JavaScript (setInteval & setTimeout) have two problems: They aren't as much accuracy as you can get in JS....
ElSajko's user avatar
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