
In Json strings characters can be escaped with \\. Here is an iterator that can read such strings and convert the escaped characters to UTF-8


#include <iterator>

namespace ThorsAnvil
    namespace Serialization


long convertHexToDec(char x)
    if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
        return (x - '0');
    else if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F')
        return 10 + (x - 'A');
    else if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'f')
        return 10 + (x - 'a');
    throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Invalid Hex Digit in unicode string");

template<typename C>
struct UnicodePushBackIterator: std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, char, ptrdiff_t, char*,char&>
    C&       cont;
    bool     lastWasSlash;
    int      unicodeCount;
    uint32_t unicodeValue;
    UnicodePushBackIterator(C& c)
        : cont(c)
        , lastWasSlash(false)
        , unicodeCount(0)
    UnicodePushBackIterator& operator++()       {return *this;}
    UnicodePushBackIterator& operator*()        {return *this;}
    void operator=(char x)
        if (unicodeCount)
            if (unicodeCount == 6)
                if (x != '\\')
                    throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Push->Surrogate pair(No Slash): \\uD8xx Must be followed by \\uDCxx");
            else if (unicodeCount == 5)
                if (x != 'u')
                    throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Push->Surrogate pair(No u): \\uD8xx Must be followed by \\uDCxx");
                unicodeValue <<= 4;
                unicodeValue += convertHexToDec(x);
                if (unicodeCount == 0)
                    if (unicodeValue <= 0x7F)
                        // Encode as single UTF-8 character
                    else if (unicodeValue <= 0x7FF)
                        // Encode as two UTF-8 characters
                        cont.push_back(0xC0 |((unicodeValue >>  6)));
                        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  0) & 0x3F));
                    else if (unicodeValue <= 0xFFFF)
                        if ((unicodeValue & 0xFC00) != 0xD800)
                            // Encode as three UTF-8 characters
                            cont.push_back(0xE0 |((unicodeValue >> 12)));
                            cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  6) & 0x3F));
                            cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  0) & 0x3F));
                            // We have a found first part of surrogate pair
                            unicodeCount    = 6;
                        // Surrogate pair
                        if ((unicodeValue & 0xFC00FC00) != 0xD800DC00)
                            throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Push->Surrogate pair(No DC): \\uD8xx Must be followed by \\uDCxx");

                        // Decode surrogate pair
                        unicodeValue    = 0x00010000 | ((unicodeValue & 0x03FF0000) >> 6) | (unicodeValue & 0x000003FF);

                        // Encode as 4 UTF-8 characters
                        cont.push_back(0xF0 |((unicodeValue >> 18)));
                        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >> 12) & 0x3F));
                        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  6) & 0x3F));
                        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  0) & 0x3F));
       else if (lastWasSlash)
                case '"':   cont.push_back('"');    break;
                case '\\':  cont.push_back('\\');   break;
                case '/':   cont.push_back('/');    break;
                case 'b':   cont.push_back('\b');   break;
                case 'f':   cont.push_back('\f');   break;
                case 'n':   cont.push_back('\n');   break;
                case 'r':   cont.push_back('\r');   break;
                case 't':   cont.push_back('\t');   break;
                case 'u':   unicodeCount = 4; unicodeValue = 0; break;
            lastWasSlash    = false;
            if (x == '\\')
                lastWasSlash    = true;

template<typename I>
struct UnicodeWrapperIterator: std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, char, ptrdiff_t, char*,char&>
    I                   iter;
    std::vector<char>   cont;
    std::size_t         index;
    UnicodeWrapperIterator(I iter)
        : iter(iter)
        , index(0)
    bool operator==(UnicodeWrapperIterator const& rhs) const
        return iter == rhs.iter;
    bool operator!=(UnicodeWrapperIterator const& rhs) const
        return !(*this == rhs);
    UnicodeWrapperIterator& operator++()
        if (index == cont.size())
        return *this;
    char operator*()
        return cont[index];
    void checkBuffer()
        if (index == cont.size())
            index   = 0;


            if (cont[0] == '\\')
                char next   = *iter;
                    case '"':   cont[0] = '"';    break;
                    case '\\':  cont[0] = '\\';   break;
                    case '/':   cont[0] = '/';    break;
                    case 'b':   cont[0] = '\b';   break;
                    case 'f':   cont[0] = '\f';   break;
                    case 'n':   cont[0] = '\n';   break;
                    case 'r':   cont[0] = '\r';   break;
                    case 't':   cont[0] = '\t';   break;
                    case 'u':   decodeUnicode();  break;
                    default:    cont[0] = next;   break;
    void decodeUnicode()
        long    unicodeValue    = getUnicodeHex();

        if (unicodeValue <= 0x7F)
            // Encode as single UTF-8 character
        else if (unicodeValue <= 0x7FF)
            // Encode as two UTF-8 characters
            cont.push_back(0xC0 |((unicodeValue >>  6)));
            cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  0) & 0x3F));
        else if (unicodeValue <= 0xFFFF)
            if ((unicodeValue & 0xFC00) != 0xD800)
                // Encode as three UTF-8 characters
                cont.push_back(0xE0 |((unicodeValue >> 12)));
                cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  6) & 0x3F));
                cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  0) & 0x3F));
                // We have a found first part of surrogate pair
    void decodeSurrogatePairs(long unicodeValue)
        char nextChar  = *iter;
        if (nextChar != '\\')
            throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Iter->Surrogate pair(No Slash): \\uD8xx Must be followed by \\uDCxx");
        nextChar  = *iter;
        if (nextChar != 'u')
            throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Iter->Surrogate pair(No u): \\uD8xx Must be followed by \\uDCxx");

        unicodeValue = (unicodeValue << 16) + getUnicodeHex();

        // Surrogate pair
        if ((unicodeValue & 0xFC00FC00) != 0xD800DC00)
            throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialization::UnicodeIterator: Iter->Surrogate pair(No DC): \\uD8xx Must be followed by \\uDCxx");

        // Decode surrogate pair
        unicodeValue    = 0x00010000 | ((unicodeValue & 0x03FF0000) >> 6) | (unicodeValue & 0x000003FF);

        // Encode as 4 UTF-8 characters
        cont.push_back(0xF0 |((unicodeValue >> 18)));
        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >> 12) & 0x3F));
        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  6) & 0x3F));
        cont.push_back(0x80 |((unicodeValue >>  0) & 0x3F));
    long getUnicodeHex()
        long unicodeValue   = 0;

        for(int loop=0;loop < 4;++loop)
            char x = *iter;

            unicodeValue <<= 4;
            unicodeValue    += convertHexToDec(x);
        return unicodeValue;

template<typename C> UnicodePushBackIterator<C> make_UnicodePushBackIterator(C& cont)   {return UnicodePushBackIterator<C>(cont);}
template<typename I> UnicodeWrapperIterator<I>  make_UnicodeWrapperIterator(I iter)     {return UnicodeWrapperIterator<I>(iter);}




int main()
    // Note use of C++11 string literal.
    // Don't need to escape slashes in code.
    std::string     input(R"(Input:\tTab\n\\\u0102\n\u011D\n\u013d\n)");

    std::string     output(make_UnicodeWrapperIterator(std::begin(input)),

    std::string     copied;
    std::copy(std::begin(input), std::end(input),

    std::cout << "input: " << input  << "\n"
              << "output:" << output << "\n"
              << "copied:" << copied << "\n";

1 Answer 1


The newsletter suggested I try to answer this, so here is my attempt:

This looks like a lot of repeated code here. I don't think this can be shortened really, but I would create a function to do the conversion in:

    case '"':   cont.push_back('"');    break;
    case '\\':  cont.push_back('\\');   break;
    case '/':   cont.push_back('/');    break;
    case 'b':   cont.push_back('\b');   break;
    case 'f':   cont.push_back('\f');   break;
    case 'n':   cont.push_back('\n');   break;
    case 'r':   cont.push_back('\r');   break;
    case 't':   cont.push_back('\t');   break;
    case 'u':   unicodeCount = 4; unicodeValue = 0; break;

More like this:

char convertChar (char c) {
        case '"':
        case '\\':
        case '/':
            return x;

        case 'b':   return '\b';
        case 'f':   return '\f';
        case 'n':   return '\n';
        case 'r':   return '\r';
        case 't':   return '\t';

Then, you can change the switch statement like this:

if (x == 'u')
    unicodeCount = 4;
    unicodeValue = 0;

Further down, you could reuse that again:

    case '"':
    case '\\':
    case '/':
    case 'b':
    case 'f':
    case 'n':
    case 'r':
    case 't':
        cont[0] = convertChar(next); break;

    case 'u':   decodeUnicode();  break;
    default:    cont[0] = next;   break;

Otherwise, it looks good to me.


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