
I'm currently toying around with some Computer Vision algorithms and always wanted to learn more about templates, so I came up with the idea to build a templated Image Processing Pipeline.

I want the pipeline to be built of several task blocks which I want to plug into each other sequentially. For a specific block, its input and output types are fixed. I ultimately want to be able to inherently control for a block to only accept the next block if the output type of the current is identical to the input type of the next.

         Block_N                 Block_N+1
     _______________         _________________ 
int |               |  str  |                 | float
--->| str = f1(int) |------>| float = f2(str) |------->
    |_______________|       |_________________|

Consequently, Block_N+2 would have to accept float as input and may have an arbitrary output type.

This is what I was able to come up with:

Abstract base classes:

template<class I>
class AbstractInput {

    virtual ~AbstractInput() { }

    virtual void call( I _input ) = 0;

template<class I, class O>
class AbstractPipelineTask : public AbstractInput<I> {

    typedef AbstractInput<O>* Ptr;

    AbstractPipelineTask( AbstractInput<O>* _nextTask = NULL) 
        : m_nextTask ( _nextTask ) { }

    virtual void call( I _input ) {

        m_input = _input;
        m_output = executeTask( m_input );

        if ( m_nextTask )
            m_nextTask->call( m_output );

    virtual O executeTask( I& _input ) = 0;

    AbstractInput<O>* m_nextTask;

    I m_input;
    O m_output;

Example implementation:

class Str2IntPipelineTask : public AbstractPipelineTask< std::string, int > {

    Str2IntPipelineTask( AbstractInput<int>* _nextTask = NULL ) 
        : AbstractPipelineTask( _nextTask ) { }
    virtual ~Str2IntPipelineTask() { }

    virtual int executeTask( std::string& _input ) {

        return atoi( _input.c_str() );

class Int2IntPipelineTask : public AbstractPipelineTask< int, int> {

    Int2IntPipelineTask( AbstractInput<int>* _nextTask = NULL ) 
        : AbstractPipelineTask( _nextTask ) { }
    virtual ~Int2IntPipelineTask() { }

    virtual int executeTask( int& _input ) {

        return ( _input * _input );

class Int2FloatPipelineTask : public AbstractPipelineTask< int, float > {

    Int2FloatPipelineTask( AbstractInput<float>* _nextTask = NULL ) 
        : AbstractPipelineTask( _nextTask ) { }
    virtual ~Int2FloatPipelineTask() { }

    virtual float executeTask( int& _input ) {

        return ( static_cast<float>( _input ) / 42.f );


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    Int2FloatPipelineTask* pipeTask2    = new Int2FloatPipelineTask( );
    Int2IntPipelineTask* pipeTask1      = new Int2IntPipelineTask( pipeTask2 );
    Str2IntPipelineTask* pipeTask0      = new Str2IntPipelineTask( pipeTask1 );

    pipeTask0->call( "42" );

    return 0;

What I would really like to know besides some general advice is:

  • How can I get rid of the raw pointers AbstractInput<O>* m_nextTask? I tried changing the typedef of Ptr to std::shared_ptr<AbstractInput<O>> but that broke the derived classes constructors.
  • Is it possible to get rid of AbstractInput?
  • \$\begingroup\$ Do you accept C++11 or do you absolutely need to stick to C++03 for some reason? \$\endgroup\$
    – Morwenn
    Oct 7, 2014 at 18:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ Actually, I don't really care, because I'd just love to see some elegant solution. But most likely, I won't have C++11 and most parts of the stl available in my final environment \$\endgroup\$ Oct 7, 2014 at 18:25
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Here's one way to do this. If you get rid of all the C++11 stuff in this example, you'll have to create each pipeline task before calling operator>> in main. \$\endgroup\$
    – jliv902
    Oct 9, 2014 at 15:35

1 Answer 1

  • Since none of these classes have private members, they can be structs instead. As such, you'll no longer need to explicitly give them public inheritance.

  • Consider making the magic number 42.f a constant so that its intent is known.

  • This is specific to Visual Studio, thus is non-portable:

    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    It should be changed to this to fit the standard:

    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  • In your various executeTask() functions, I believe you're meaning to pass by const&, not just by reference. You're not modifying the argument, so const is best with them.


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