
There many other better ways to parse BLAST output in .xml format, but I was curious to try using regex, even if it is not so straightforward and common. Here is the code how to extract translated query sequences from BLASTX output in fasta format.

fasta_out = True
import re
import sys
base = sys.argv[1]
base = base.rstrip('xml')
if fasta_out == True:
    seq_out = open(base+'fasta', 'w')
read_def = set()

with open(sys.argv[1],'rb') as xml:
    for line in xml:
        if re.search('<Iteration_query-def>', line) != None:
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.rstrip()
            line = re.sub('<Iteration_query-def>', '', line)
            line = re.sub('</Iteration_query-def>', '', line)
            query_def = line
        if re.search('<Hit_def>', line) != None:
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.rstrip()
            line = re.sub('<Hit_def>', '', line)
            line = re.sub('</Hit_def>', '', line)
            hit_def = line[:line.index(' ')]
        if re.search('<Hsp_query-frame>', line) != None:
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.rstrip()
            line = re.sub('<Hsp_query-frame>', '', line)
            line = re.sub('</<Hsp_query-frame>', '', line)
            frame = line
        if re.search('<Hsp_qseq>', line) != None:
            if query_def not in read_def:
                line = line.strip()
                line = line.rstrip()
                line = re.sub('<Hsp_qseq>', '', line)
                line = re.sub('</Hsp_qseq>', '', line)
                seq = line
                if fasta_out == True:
                    print >> seq_out, '>'+query_def+' '+hit_def+'\n'+seq
if fasta_out == True:

Input sample

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE BlastOutput PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI BlastOutput/EN" "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dtd/NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd">
  <BlastOutput_version>blastx 2.2.21 [Jun-14-2009]</BlastOutput_version>
  <BlastOutput_reference>~Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, ~Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), ~&quot;Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search~programs&quot;,  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.</BlastOutput_reference>
          <Hit_def>Traes_4BL_9859F0705.1 pep:novel scaffold:IWGSP1:IWGSC_CSS_4BL_scaff_7021186:3087:16040:1 gene:Traes_4BL_9859F0705 transcript:Traes_4BL_9859F0705.1 description:&quot;&quot;</Hit_def>
  • \$\begingroup\$ FYI : It is considered a bad idea to (try to) parse languages like XML with regexp. You'll find loads of interesting explanations online like blog.codinghorror.com/parsing-html-the-cthulhu-way or stackoverflow.com/questions/8577060/… . \$\endgroup\$
    – SylvainD
    May 27, 2014 at 16:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ This being said, it might be interesting to give an example of input. \$\endgroup\$
    – SylvainD
    May 27, 2014 at 16:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ It worked on my huge file, it is not the best idea, but not absurd, DYT? :) Thanks for the link! \$\endgroup\$ May 27, 2014 at 17:00

2 Answers 2



You have a lot of redundant code that you repeat several times.

  1. You can move these lines:

    line = line.strip()
    line = line.rstrip()

    to immediately after for line in xml:. This saves you from having to strip in each if-statement.

  2. As pointed out above, you use strip and rstrip. This is also redundant: strip removes both leading and trailing characters from the string, while rstrip removes only trailing characters. So unless you are removing extra trailing characters (which it seems you aren't) rstrip is not needed.

  3. Your re.sub statements can be compacted into one statement using the pipe operator (a|b) which searches for both a and b:

    line = re.sub('<Hit_def>|</Hit_def>', '', line)
  4. What is frame doing? In your code snippet, it serves no purpose.

  5. Your re.search functions are not needed. If you do re.sub on a string and the pattern you gave it does not find a match, it will simply return the original string:

    >>>foo = 'Hello World!'
    >>>foo = re.sub('apples', 'oranges', foo)
    'Hello World!'

    Another problem with this is, in its current state, your code could throw a NameError because one of the variables query_def, hit_def, frame, seq may not have been defined:

    if re.search('<Hsp_qseq>', line) != None:
        # I will error out because if the line didn't contain `<Iteration_query-def>`
        # `query_def` was never created!
        if query_def not in read_def:


imports always go at the top.


While your statements are technically correct, they can be made more pythonic by excluding the == True and != None:

# This is the same as...
foo = True
if foo:

# ...this
if foo == True:

Also, your statements may be able to be changed into elifs depending on whether a single line can contain multiple of the tags you are looking for. If not, then elifs will help you performace quite a bit.

Another note, if

String Formatting

The most pythonic and preferred way to create strings is to use str.format:

foo = '{} {}!'.format('Hello', 'World')

Using this method in your application will remove all of the messy string concatenation:

print >> seq_out, '>{} {}\n{}'.format(query_def, hit_def, seq)


I am going to assume that you need to run the parsing no matter what and only print to seq_out if fasta_out is True. With that being said, instead of writing to the file each time, which requires you to use the insecure open() and close() functions, we will simply create a single string which you will write once at the very end:

seq_body_text = ''
with open(sys.argv[1],'rb') as xml:
    for line in xml:
        # Yadda yadda....do regex stuff
        if fasta_out:
            new_line = '>{} {}\n{}'.format(query_def, hit_def, seq)
            seq_body_text = '{}{}\n'.format(seq_body_text, new_line)

# Once the whole file is parsed, write the body text.
if fasta_out:
    with open(seq_out, 'w') as file:

Here is my version of your code.

NOTE: I assume each line can have each of the tags. However, I could have assumed wrong because your logical structure was slightly muddy.

import re
import sys

base = sys.argv[1]
base = base.rstrip('xml')

fasta_out = True
read_def = set()
with open(sys.argv[1],'rb') as xml:
    for line in xml:
        line = line.strip()

        line = re.sub('<Iteration_query-def>|</Iteration_query-def>', '', line)
        query_def = line

        if query_def not in read_def:

            if fasta_out:
                # Why compute these lines in the main loop? Move them here
                # and save computation.
                line = re.sub('<Hit_def>|</Hit_def>', '', line)
                hit_def = line[:line.index(' ')]

                line = re.sub('<Hsp_query-frame>|</Hsp_query-frame>', '', line)
                line = re.sub('<Hsp_qseq>|</Hsp_qseq>', '', line)
                seq = line

                new_line = '>{} {}\n{}'.format(query_def, hit_def, seq)
                seq_body_text = '{}{}\n'.format(seq_body_text, new_line)

# Once the whole file is parsed, write the body text.
if fasta_out:
    with open('{}{}'.format(base, 'fasta'), 'w') as file:
  • \$\begingroup\$ This is an awesome review of the code, very clear and detailed! Thank you! \$\endgroup\$ May 28, 2014 at 8:25

If you really want to parse xml file with python regex, you should match against whole file, not per lines. For example:

matched = re.search("<Hit_def>(.*?)</Hit_def>", wholexml, re.S)
if matched: print matched.group(1)

Here you have tutorial for advanced regex: http://www.cofoh.com/advanced-regex-tutorial-python

But regex for xml is a bad idea. It should be done by xml library. In the above example you have to even deal with special XML characters (& quot;, ...)

Happy bioinformatics !


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