
Here's a small function to check if the property starts with [ or { and parse the value from a sting into JSON or an array. Properties might be a string or intiger also.

import { mapValues } from 'lodash'

export function resolveValues (data) {
  return mapValues(data, item => {
    if (item.match(/^\[/) || item.match(/^\{/)) return JSON.parse(item)
    return item

1 Answer 1


The very first concern is what if item just happens to be a string starting with [ or {?

How about instead of testing for [ and {, why not try parsing it? And if it fails, just return as is? This way, you don't need half-hearted checks.

export function resolveValues (data) {
  return mapValues(data, item => {
    try{ return JSON.parse(item) }
    catch (e) { return item; };

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